6 Sign if you find yourself a right candidate for a Tummy Tuck surgery

What is Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Tummy tuck surgery is also known as Abdominoplasty which is used to remove the excess fats and skin and to restores weakened muscles to flattens the abdomen to create a smoother firmer abdominal profile. It is the best procedure for people with obesity who are working hard at the gym to reduce fats and get in shape. If gym, healthy diet, the workout did not work for you then tummy tuck surgery in India is the best option for you.

6 Sign if you find yourself a right candidate for a Tummy Tuck surgery

1. You have loose skin around your belly

Gaining weight causes skin to stretch, when you are in your older age which means you are more likely to have looser skin following weight loss. Although a tummy tuck certainly targets fats which may significantly reduce the excess skin around your belly, and if you do not have excess skin than it leads to an unsightly stretched look.

2. You have good health

If you are suffering from any health issue then you must prohibit going for surgery because general anesthesia which is given before the surgery can cause side effects such as vomiting, nausea, headache and can cause even delay in return of normal memory function. If you choose to go for surgery, then you must have a healthy heart and lungs. Before undergoing a tummy tuck if you see any complications in your health then you must discuss it with your doctor.

3. You have realistic expectations for the surgery

Before going for a surgery, you must consult your surgeon about the after appearance and after effect that causes your health. You must be aware of the healing process and recovery time it takes for you according to your health. To maintain the results you need to eat healthily and need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercising and healthy eating habits can make you a perfect person to have tummy tuck surgery done.

4. You have a baby or lost a significant amount of weight.

A tummy tuck can repair damage caused due to pregnancy and obesity. Pregnancy damages the skin and muscles permanently, making your belly look hang loosely as after the delivery women gain excess weight. A tummy tuck tightens the muscles that support the tummy and at the same time excess skin can be removed. If you already had a tummy tuck and you have an unexpected pregnancy still it won’t affect the health of your baby.

5. You are not planning on losing more weight

Before undergoing a tummy tuck surgery, your ideal weight should be within 15 to 20 pounds. After the procedure, many patients lose at least 30 pounds making your tummy look saggy which can even leave excess skin making your tummy look creepy.

6. You are not planning on becoming pregnant

If you are planning to have more children, then you should wait to undergo a tummy tuck as pregnancy can stretch your skin resulting from undergoing another surgery. If you already had surgery and planning for a future pregnancy than it won’t affect the health of your baby but it will make your tummy re-stretch and can separate the repaired muscles resulting in a saggy tummy and weight gain again.

Find Best Hospital and Surgeon in India

Tummy tuck surgery in India has helped people across the globe to get into the shape but it is essential to talk to an experienced plastic surgeon if they find it right for it. Cosmetic and obesity surgery Hospital India is a pioneer that connects to experts and hospitals across India. Where you can contact an experienced cosmetic surgeon and find yourself if you are the right candidate for surgery with the low cost and world-class treatment, with the help of a top-quality doctor, you can achieve a good figure and good looks.

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