Cosmetic and Obesity Surgery Hospital held an Events in Doha, Qatar

Medical Camp for weight loss surgery and Plastic surgery

Cosmetic-and-Obesity-Surgery-Hospital-hold-a-Seminar-in-Doha,-Qatar[Mumbai, India]: Cosmetic and Obesity Surgery Hospital India is going to conduct a medical camp on the different obesity control surgeries and plastic surgeries in Doha, Qatar on the 1st week of September 2019 along with top cosmetic and obesity control hospitals in Doha, Qatar. A number of top cosmetic surgeons will participate in the event, shared their views towards obesity and related problems and also discussed the advancement of the surgical procedure to control obesity. The topics will be discussed in the seminar are gastric balloon surgery, Tummy Tuck Surgery, Sleeve Gastrectomy, mommy makeover surgeries, and Liposuction surgery. Different aspects of plastic surgeries will also be discussed in the seminal; most common plastic surgeries are Breast Reconstruction, Burn Repair Surgery, Congenital Defect Repair, Extremity Defect Repair, Lower Extremity Reconstruction, Hand Surgery, and Scar Revision Surgery.

The doctors are going to convey their concern and view towards obesity, the problems related to that, and how to control obesity through modern medical science.  Obese people have a much greater risk of developing serious conditions, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, bone, and joint diseases, and many more. To have a long healthy life, people have to get rid of their excess fat through a balanced diet, regular exercise, and proper rest.  But it is not so easy for a super obese person to shred redundant fat and get a fit body without weight loss surgery.

The best Plastic surgeons and cosmetic surgeons of India are going to explain the procedure for different plastic surgery procedures, such as rhinoplasty, facelift, liposuction, eyelid surgery, breast augmentation, tummy tuck, breast lift, breast reduction, hair transplant, body lift, laser resurfacing, etc. They also explain the pros and cons of every surgery and most possible outcome of them, so people can understand the benefits of various plastic surgeries.

About Cosmetic and Obesity Surgery Hospital India: Cosmetic and Obesity Surgery Hospital India is a pioneer organization providing world-class health care services in the fields of cosmetic and weight loss surgery. They are bridging the gap between international patients and healthcare tourism in India. They are known for offering tailor-made medical retreat packages for weight loss and plastic surgeries to patients around the globe to suit their specific requirements. The infrastructure of the top-notch hospitals is quite supportive to help their foreign patients in all aspects during their medical trip to India, from arranging a medical visa, accommodation in India during the treatment period to flying back home safe.


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